Pandora Hearts Sheet Music
Pandora Hearts is a Japanese shōnen manga series written and illustrated by Jun Mochizuki. Individual chapters were serialized in Monthly GFantasy between May 2006 and March 2015, with bound volumes published by Square Enix. The series ended with twenty-four volumes having been released in Japan. It was originally licensed for an English language release by Broccoli Books, but was later dropped. It was relicensed by Yen Press.An anime adaptation produced by Xebec began airing on April 2, 2009, and finished airing on September 24, 2009. On February 11, 2010, NIS America announced it would release the anime series in North America. Nine OVAs were also broadcast in Japan, airing from July 24, 2009 to March 25, 2010.
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Wojciech Kilar
× 1
Otakar Ševčík × 1
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Edvard Grieg × 3
American square dance × 1
north royalton community band × 1
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Johann Friedrich Fasch × 1
Georges Bizet × 3
Olivier Toussaint × 1
M People × 1
Clara Schumann × 1
Hans Zimmer × 1
The Beatles × 9
Matthew Sklar × 1
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Victor Herbert × 3
Derry Lindsay × 1
Camille Saint-Saëns × 1
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José María Cano × 1
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Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy × 2
Mamas And The Papas × 1
Celine Dion × 5
tomasso albinoni × 1
Otakar Ševčík × 1
Assis Valente × 1
Edvard Grieg × 3
American square dance × 1
north royalton community band × 1
John Hughes × 1
Johann Friedrich Fasch × 1
Georges Bizet × 3
Olivier Toussaint × 1
M People × 1
Clara Schumann × 1
Hans Zimmer × 1
The Beatles × 9
Matthew Sklar × 1
Toots Thielemans × 1
Victor Herbert × 3
Derry Lindsay × 1
Camille Saint-Saëns × 1
ZUN × 2
Ah Doe × 3
Evangelion OST × 1
Lev Zemlinski × 1
Bart Howard × 1
David Wise × 1
Adriana Calcanhotto × 1
José María Cano × 1
Alan Menken × 3
Emilie Autumn × 1
She Loves Me × 1
Horowitz Mussorgsky × 1
Howie Day × 1
Andy Thornton × 1
Regina Spekor × 1
Max Richter × 1
Astor Piazolla × 2
Nicolas Luis Duca × 1
Chess × 1
Chris Brown × 1
Ella Fitzgerald × 2
Irwin Levine × 1
Joseph-Hector Fiocco × 1
Charles Aznavour × 1
Luis MIguel × 1
Ignatz Waghalter × 1
Zina Goldrich × 1
Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy × 2
Mamas And The Papas × 1
Celine Dion × 5
tomasso albinoni × 1