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Jules Conus × 1
Music theory × 6
Phantom of the Opera × 1
Gabriel Urbain Fauré × 1
Sonny Rollins × 1
Hatsune Miku × 1
Prokofiev × 1
Georges Moustaki × 2
Trova Yucateca × 1
Steve Barakatt × 1
Edward Grieg × 1
Ludwig van Beethoven × 9
Bryan Adams × 2
Emilio Chamorro × 2
Jason Robert Brown × 2
Tchaikovsky × 5
Bob Elgin × 1
Joseph Kosma × 1
Gustav Holst × 1
xavier naidoo × 1
Relient K × 1
Armando Manzanero × 1
Andrea Ferrante × 1
Don McLean × 2
Baude Cordier × 1
Shakira × 1
John Hughes × 1
Sandy Wan × 1
Fariborz Lachini × 3
Mae × 1
Scott Alan × 2
Alex Ubago × 1
Tenmon × 1
Robert Trognée × 1
Hugues Aufrey × 1
Ludvig Van Beethoven × 1
James Dees × 1
The Beatles × 7
George Gershwin × 6
Radványi Patrik × 1
Ryuichi Sakamoto × 1
Daniel Trott × 1
Yann Tiersen × 5
Bert Kaempfert × 1
Leslie Wagle × 2
Suzuki method × 2
Mussorgsky × 2
Wim Mertens × 1
Brian Lowdermilk × 1
Sinead O'Connor × 1
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