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Abbie Betinis Sheet Music

Abbie Betinis Abbie Betinis (born January 21, 1980) is an American composer. She has composed music for a variety of musical ensembles, and is best known for her choral music and other vocal works.Abbie Betinis's music has been described as "inventive richly melodic" (The New York Times), "the highlight... bold...cathartic" (The Boston Globe), and as "intricate...with an inescapable allure." Her catalog of sixty commissioned works includes projects for the American Choral Directors Association, American Suzuki Foundation, Cantus, The Dale Warland Singers, James Sewell Ballet, The Rose Ensemble, The Schubert Club, Young New Yorkers' Chorus, and Zeitgeist.Having quickly emerged as one of the strongest voices in American choral composition today, Betinis chooses meaningful texts to set in a unique, yet accessible style. Her early residencies with The Rose Ensemble and The Singers—Minnesota Choral Artists (the latter for 10 years), helped to shape her sensibilities as a composer of vocal music and to explore and employ unconventional techniques, such as yodeling, spitting, whistling, glottal stops, and keening.

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